We adhere to our values and objectives.

About Us:

Eqbis is formed by a team of experts with a commitment to empower Startups, Small Businesses, Enterprises, Corporates and Non-Profit Organisations through technology. Established with a deep-rooted belief in the transformative power of software solutions, our goal is dedicated to build cutting edge solutions with modern communication technologies and to bring the benefits of modern tools to every corner of the world.
We have assisted many organisations in the past to achieve their business goals with our software solutions.


At Eqbis, our mission is to empower individuals and businesses with innovative software solutions that simplify complexity, enhance productivity, and transform the way they operate. We are dedicated to nurturing and harnessing freshers talent, providing opportunities for individuals in underserved areas to thrive in the tech industry. Through our commitment to bridging the urban-rural divide, cutting-edge technology, user-centric design, and unwavering quality, we aim to be a driving force in shaping the digital landscape and improving lives globally.


Eqbis envisions to create a world where technology seamlessly integrates into every aspect of life, making processes more efficient, communication more connected, and experiences more enjoyable. We aspire to be at the forefront of software innovation, continually pushing boundaries to pioneer solutions that anticipate and exceed the evolving needs of society. By fostering a culture of creativity, collaboration and adaptability, we strive to leave a lasting positive impact on individuals, businesses, and communities worldwide.